Management API Reference


Get started with Openfort libraries

Openfort Kit is the easiest way to onboard your users onchain.

  • Guest
  • Email
  • Wallet
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • X
  • Drag and drop to reorder providers
    Click to enable or disable providers
Social login configuration
Login with social login oauth providers (e.g. Google, X) will not work in this demo due to iframe cross-origin restrictions.View live demo

You will get out of the box support for:

  1. Simple UX — Give users a simple, attractive experience.
  2. Multiple login methods - Email, Social, WalletConnect, and more.
  3. Non-custodial embedded signer - Secure, self-custodied signing without complexity
  4. Connection with Web3 wallets
  5. Beautiful Themes - Predesigned themes or full customization

1. Install#

Start by installing Openfort Kit and its peer dependencies using your package manager of choice:


npm install @openfort/openfort-kit wagmi viem@^2.22.0 @tanstack/react-query

2. Get your API keys#

In the API keys section of Openfort dashboard, you will find:

  • Publishable Key: Safe to expose in client-side environment
  • Secret Key: Must be kept secure and used only server-side

To generate non-custodial wallets:

  1. Scroll to the Shield section and click Create Shield keys
  2. Store the encryption share safely when it appears (you'll only see it once)
  3. You'll receive:
    • Shield Publishable Key: Safe for client-side use
    • Shield Secret Key: Keep secure, server-side only

3. Set up providers.#

Set up providers for Wagmi, TanStack Query, and OpenfortKit.

To set up a config for Wagmi, we will use Wagmi's createConfig function with @openfort/openfort-kit's getDefaultConfig function. This automatically sets up the Wagmi instance to support all chains and transports supported by Openfort. If you need more configuration go to the Wagmi configuration guide.

To set up OpenfortKitProvider we will need the publishable key from the Openfort dashboard, and the wallet configuration. More information on the wallet configuration can be found here.


'use client'
import React from 'react'
import { AuthProvider, OpenfortKitProvider, getDefaultConfig, RecoveryMethod } from '@openfort/openfort-kit';
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { WagmiProvider, createConfig } from 'wagmi'
import { polygonAmoy } from 'viem/chains'
const config = createConfig(
appName: 'OpenfortKit demo',
chains: [polygonAmoy],
ssr: true, // Enable server-side rendering if needed
const queryClient = new QueryClient()
export function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
return (
<WagmiProvider config={config}>
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
// Set the publishable key of your OpenfortKit account. This field is required.
// Set the wallet configuration. In this example, we will be using the embedded signer.
createEmbeddedSigner: true,
embeddedSignerConfiguration: {
shieldPublishableKey: "YOUR_SHIELD_PUBLISHABLE_KEY",
// Set the recovery method you want to use, in this case we will use the password recovery method
recoveryMethod: RecoveryMethod.PASSWORD,
// With password recovery we can set the encryption key to encrypt the recovery data
// This way we don't have a backend to store the recovery data

Wrap your app in the Providers component.


import React from 'react'
import { Providers } from './Providers'
export default function App() {
return (
{/* Your app content */}

4. You're good to go!#

Once you've configured your app, you can now use OpenfortKitButton to onboard your users.


import { OpenfortKitButton } from '@openfort/openfort-kit';
function App() {
return (
<OpenfortKitButton />
export default App;

5. Next steps#

Now that you've set up Openfort Kit, you can explore more features and customization options: