API Reference
The Openfort API is organized around REST . Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
You can use the Openfort API in test mode, which doesn't affect your live data or interact with the banking networks. The API key you use to authenticate the request determines whether the request is live mode or test mode.
The Openfort API doesn't support bulk updates. You can work on only one object per request.
Authentication The Openfort API uses API keys to authenticate requests.
You can view and manage your API keys in the Openfort Dashboard .
Test mode secret keys have the prefix sk_test_
and live mode secret keys have the prefix sk_live_
Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure!
Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.
Use your API key by setting it in the initial configuration of Openfort.
The Node.js library will then automatically send this key in each request.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS and must be authenticated. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail.
Below, you can see how to send a GET
request to the players
endpoint to get a list of all your players.
All API requests must be authenticated and made over HTTPS.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players \
-H "Authorization: Bearer sk_test_bdd0•••••4f23"
Expanding Responses Many objects allow you to request additional information as an expanded response by using the expand
request parameter.
This parameter is available on multiple API requests, and applies to the response of that request only.
In many cases, an object contains the ID of a related object in its response properties.
For example, a Player can have multiple accounts.
Those objects can be expanded inline with the expand
request parameter.
ID fields that can be expanded into objects are noted in this documentation with the expandable
You can use the expand
param on any endpoint which returns expandable fields, including list, create, and update endpoints.
You can expand several objects at once by identifying multiple items in the expand array.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/pla_e0b84653-1741-4a3d-9e91-2b0fd2942f60 \
"name" : "Frank McCallister" ,
"email" : "Frank@dMcCallister.com" ,
"description" : "Tutorial" ,
"address" : "0x0B49...cc73" ,
"id" : "acc_7ccae011-4f30-41c0-876f-27679d3e81ef" ,
"address" : "0x0B49...cc73" ,
Errors In this guide, we will talk about what happens when something goes wrong while you work with the API. Let's look at some status codes and error types you might encounter.
You can tell if your request was successful by checking the status code when receiving an API response. If a response comes back unsuccessful, you can use the error type and error message to figure out what has gone wrong and do some rudimentary debugging.
Verify auth token. Verifies the token generated by Openfort Auth.
Query Parameters Specifies the auth token.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/verify \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
Response Example 1 {
"projectId" : "pro_..." ,
"expiration" : 1234567890 ,
"issuedAt" : 1234567890 ,
"issuer" : "openfort.xyz" ,
"sessionId" : "..." ,
"playerId" : "pla_..." ,
"livemode" : true
Create an authenticated player. Creates an authenticated player.
The player will be authenticated with the provider and an embedded account can be pre generated.
Body Parameters thirdPartyUserId REQUIRED
string thirdPartyProvider REQUIRED
string One of:
accelbyte firebase lootlocker playfab supabase custom oidc telegramMiniApp The third party provider.
preGenerateEmbeddedAccount REQUIRED
boolean Pre generate embedded account.
chainId integer
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
metadata object
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/players \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'thirdPartyUserId=dsajkl23r43l1234jl' \
-d 'thirdPartyProvider=firebase' \
-d 'preGenerateEmbeddedAccount=true'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pla_ff54b031-a878-4ca2-9cf5-ae190f921e9b" ,
"object" : "player" ,
"createdAt" : 1691658234 ,
"linkedAccounts" : [
"provider" : "email" ,
"email" : "jaume@openfort.xyz" ,
"disabled" : false ,
"updatedAt" : 1691658234
List authenticated players. Retrieves a list of authenticated players.
Players have linked accounts and are authenticated with a provider.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
email string
Specifies the email address of the user.
externalUserId string
Specifies the external user ID.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/players \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/iam/v1/players" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "pla_ff54b031-a878-4ca2-9cf5-ae190f921e9b" ,
"object" : "player" ,
"createdAt" : 1691658234 ,
"linkedAccounts" : [
"provider" : "email" ,
"email" : "jaume@openfort.xyz" ,
"disabled" : false ,
"updatedAt" : 1691658234
Deletes a player auth object. Deletes a player auth object.
It will delete all linked accounts the player is authenticated with.
If the player has a linked embedded signer, it will be deleted as well.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_).
delete /iam/v1/players/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/players/pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pla_ff54b031-a878-4ca2-9cf5-ae190f921e9b" ,
"object" : "player" ,
"createdAt" : 1691658234 ,
"linkedAccounts" : [
"provider" : "email" ,
"email" : "jaume@openfort.xyz" ,
"disabled" : false ,
"updatedAt" : 1691658234
Create oauth configuration. The endpoint creates oauth configuration for the current project environment.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/config \
Response Example 1 {
"enabled" : true ,
"baseUrl" : "https://mygame.dev.gamingservices.accelbyte.io/" ,
"clientId" : "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" ,
"clientSecret" : "abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890" ,
"provider" : "accelbyte"
List of oauth configurations. Deprecated List configured OAuth methods for the current project environment.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/oauth \
Response Example 1 {
"data" : [
"enabled" : true ,
"baseUrl" : "https://mygame.dev.gamingservices.accelbyte.io/" ,
"clientId" : "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" ,
"clientSecret" : "abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890" ,
"provider" : "accelbyte"
Create oauth configuration. The endpoint creates oauth configuration for the current project environment.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/config \
Response Example 1 {
"enabled" : true ,
"baseUrl" : "https://mygame.dev.gamingservices.accelbyte.io/" ,
"clientId" : "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" ,
"clientSecret" : "abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890" ,
"provider" : "accelbyte"
Get oauth configuration. Deprecated The endpoint retrieves oauth configuration for specified provider for the current project environment.
Path Parameters One of:
google twitter facebook discord epic_games telegram line Specifies the oauth provider type.
get /iam/v1/oauth/{provider}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/oauth/{provider} \
Response Example 1 {
"enabled" : true ,
"baseUrl" : "https://mygame.dev.gamingservices.accelbyte.io/" ,
"clientId" : "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" ,
"clientSecret" : "abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890" ,
"provider" : "accelbyte"
Delete oauth configuration. Deprecated The endpoint deletes oauth configuration for specified provider for the current project environment.
Path Parameters One of:
google twitter facebook discord epic_games telegram line Specifies the oauth provider type.
delete /iam/v1/oauth/{provider}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/oauth/{provider} \
Retrieve player by oauth token. The endpoint verifies the token generated by OAuth provider and retrieves a corresponding player.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents for the player.
Body Parameters One of:
google twitter facebook discord epic_games telegram accelbyte firebase lootlocker playfab supabase custom oidc telegramMiniApp expand array
Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/oauth/verify \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'provider=firebase' \
-d 'token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9' \
-d 'tokenType=idToken'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pla_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "player" ,
"description" : "John Smith" ,
"metadata" : {
"firstName" : "John" ,
"lastName" : "Smith"
"name" : "My Player" ,
"accounts" : [
"id" : "acc_8888888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888"
"transactionIntents" : [
Retrieve player by token. Deprecated The endpoint verifies the token generated by OAuth provider and retrieves a corresponding player.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents for the player.
Body Parameters Access token to be verified
post /iam/v1/oauth/{provider}/verify
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/iam/v1/oauth/{provider}/verify \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pla_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "player" ,
"description" : "John Smith" ,
"metadata" : {
"firstName" : "John" ,
"lastName" : "Smith"
"name" : "My Player" ,
"accounts" : [
"id" : "acc_8888888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888"
"transactionIntents" : [
List accounts of a player. Returns a list of accounts for the given player.
This object represents a player's account, which is a blockchain smart account that can be used to interact with the blockchain.
The accounts are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created accounts appearing first.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents for each account.
By default, a maximum of 10 accounts are shown per page.
Query Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_)
limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
expand array
Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'player=pla_6f6c9067-89fa-4fc8-ac72-c242a268c584'
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/accounts" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "acc_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deployed" : true ,
"custodial" : false ,
"embeddedSigner" : false ,
"object" : "account" ,
"accountType" : "Upgradeable_v06" ,
"ownerAddress" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
Create an account object. Creates a new blockchain account for the provided player. If not player is provided, a new one will be created.
Account creation does not consume any gas. All accounts of a player will use the same address across blockchains.
Each player can only have one account per chain.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'chainId=80002'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "acc_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deployed" : true ,
"custodial" : false ,
"embeddedSigner" : false ,
"object" : "account" ,
"accountType" : "Upgradeable_v06" ,
"ownerAddress" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
Get existing account. Retrieves the details of an existing account.
Supply the unique account ID from either a account creation request or the account list, and Openfort will return the corresponding account information.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents created by this account.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "acc_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deployed" : true ,
"custodial" : false ,
"embeddedSigner" : false ,
"object" : "account" ,
"accountType" : "Upgradeable_v06" ,
"ownerAddress" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
Request transfer ownership of account. Perform a request to change the owner of an account.
To perform an update on the owner of an account, first you must provide a new owner address.
Once requested, the owner must accept to take ownership by calling acceptOwnership()
in the smart contract account.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Body Parameters newOwnerAddress REQUIRED
string The address of the new owner
ID of the Policy that defines the gas sponsorship strategy (starts with pol_
). A policy must be provided.
post /v1/accounts/{id}/request_transfer_ownership
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/request_transfer_ownership \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'newOwnerAddress=0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678' \
-d 'policy=pol_7e07ae30-2a4d-48fa-803f-361da94905dd'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"userOperation" : null ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "standard" ,
"details" : {
"from" : "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8" ,
"to" : "0x3c44cdddb6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12fa4293bc" ,
"gas" : "0x5208" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x3b9aca00" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x3b9aca00" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"data" : "0x3c44..."
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
Cancel request to transfer ownership of an account. Cancel a pending transfer of ownership.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Body Parameters ID of the Policy that defines the gas sponsorship strategy (starts with pol_
). A policy must be provided.
post /v1/accounts/{id}/cancel_transfer_ownership
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/cancel_transfer_ownership \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'policy=pol_7e07ae30-2a4d-48fa-803f-361da94905dd'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"userOperation" : null ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "standard" ,
"details" : {
"from" : "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8" ,
"to" : "0x3c44cdddb6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12fa4293bc" ,
"gas" : "0x5208" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x3b9aca00" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x3b9aca00" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"data" : "0x3c44..."
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
Sign a given payload Custodial Accounts only - Signs the typed repositories value with types repositories structure for domain using the EIP-712 specification.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Body Parameters Domain. Specific to the dApp.
Open accepted values name string
The user readable name of signing domain, i.e. the name of the DApp or the protocol..
version string
The current major version of the signing domain. Signatures from different versions are not compatible.
verifyingContract string
The address of the contract that will verify the signature. The user-agent may do contract specific phishing prevention.
salt string
An disambiguating salt for the protocol. This can be used as a domain separator of last resort.
primaryType REQUIRED
string hash string
Hash to verify and that will be signed
post /v1/accounts/{id}/sign_payload
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/sign_payload \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'domain[0][chainId]=80002' \
-d 'domain[0][name]=Openfort' \
-d 'domain[0][version]=1' \
-d 'domain[0][verifyingContract]=0x64452Dff1180b21dc50033e1680bB64CDd492582' \
-d 'domain[0][salt]=0xf2d857f4a3edcb9b78b4d503bfe733db1e3f6cdc2b7971ee739626c97e86a558' -d 'primaryType=Mail' \
Response Example 1 {
"account" : "acc_..." ,
"hash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"object" : "signature" ,
"signature" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A2...36Ad2F6255BdBEa"
Sync account state with the blockchain Synchronize the account state with the blockchain.
Specifically, it updates the account owner and whether its deployed or not.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
post /v1/accounts/{id}/sync
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/sync \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "acc_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deployed" : true ,
"custodial" : false ,
"embeddedSigner" : false ,
"object" : "account" ,
"accountType" : "Upgradeable_v06" ,
"ownerAddress" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
Deploy an account. This endpoint can be used to deploy a smart contract account that was counterfactually generated.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Body Parameters The policy ID (starts with pol_)
post /v1/accounts/{id}/deploy
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/deploy \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'policy=pol_7e07ae30-2a4d-48fa-803f-361da94905dd'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "acc_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deployed" : true ,
"custodial" : false ,
"embeddedSigner" : false ,
"object" : "account" ,
"accountType" : "Upgradeable_v06" ,
"ownerAddress" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
Start a recovery process of a recoverable account.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Body Parameters newOwnerAddress REQUIRED
string The policy ID (starts with pol_)
post /v1/accounts/{id}/start_recovery
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/start_recovery \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'newOwnerAddress=0x662D24Bf7Ea2dD6a7D0935F680a6056b94fE934d' \
-d 'policy=pol_7e07ae30-2a4d-48fa-803f-361da94905dd'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"userOperation" : null ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "standard" ,
"details" : {
"from" : "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8" ,
"to" : "0x3c44cdddb6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12fa4293bc" ,
"gas" : "0x5208" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x3b9aca00" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x3b9aca00" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"data" : "0x3c44..."
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
Complete a recovery process of a recoverable account.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Body Parameters newOwnerAddress REQUIRED
string The policy ID (starts with pol_)
signatures array
Signatures by the guardians
post /v1/accounts/{id}/complete_recovery
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/complete_recovery \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'newOwnerAddress=0x662D24Bf7Ea2dD6a7D0935F680a6056b94fE934d' \
-d 'policy=pol_7e07ae30-2a4d-48fa-803f-361da94905dd'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"userOperation" : null ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "standard" ,
"details" : {
"from" : "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8" ,
"to" : "0x3c44cdddb6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12fa4293bc" ,
"gas" : "0x5208" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x3b9aca00" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x3b9aca00" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"data" : "0x3c44..."
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
List contracts. List of all contracts per project.
By default, a maximum of ten contracts are shown.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
name string
Specifies the name of the contract.
deleted boolean
Specifies whether to include deleted contracts.
chainId integer
The chain ID of the contract.
address string
Specifies the address of the contract.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/contracts \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/contracts" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "con_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "contract" ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deleted" : false ,
"name" : "MyContract" ,
"publicVerification" : true ,
"abi" : [
"constant" : false ,
"inputs" : [
"name" : "addr" ,
"type" : "address"
Create contract object. Add a new contract to your project in Openfort
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/contracts \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'name=NFT Contract' \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'address=0x742e6e61d760164d56f44801054bcf40fa821d97'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "con_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "contract" ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deleted" : false ,
"name" : "MyContract" ,
"publicVerification" : true ,
"abi" : [
"constant" : false ,
"inputs" : [
"name" : "addr" ,
"type" : "address"
Get a contract. Retrieve a contract by providing their contract id.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique contract ID (starts with con_).
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/contracts/con_0cddb398-1dc6-4e6f-8726-9ec7cea85f35 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "con_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "contract" ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deleted" : false ,
"name" : "MyContract" ,
"publicVerification" : true ,
"abi" : [
"constant" : false ,
"inputs" : [
"name" : "addr" ,
"type" : "address"
Updates a contract object.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique contract ID (starts with con_).
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/contracts/con_0cddb398-1dc6-4e6f-8726-9ec7cea85f35 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "con_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "contract" ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"deleted" : false ,
"name" : "MyContract" ,
"publicVerification" : true ,
"abi" : [
"constant" : false ,
"inputs" : [
"name" : "addr" ,
"type" : "address"
Deletes a contract object. Delete a contract from the project by providing its contract id.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique contract ID (starts with con_).
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/contracts/con_0cddb398-1dc6-4e6f-8726-9ec7cea85f35 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "con_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"deleted" : true ,
"object" : "contract"
Read on chain contract repositories. Using this endpoint, you can get the repositories returned by any readable
function listed in a contracts ABI. This could be things like querying
the totalSupply of a currency contract, the number of owners of an items
contract, and more.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique contract ID (starts with con_).
Query Parameters functionName REQUIRED
string The function name of the contract.
functionArgs array
The function arguments of the contract, in string format. Accepts pla_, con_ and acc_ IDs.
get /v1/contracts/{id}/read
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/contracts/con_0cddb398-1dc6-4e6f-8726-9ec7cea85f35/ read \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'functionName=mint'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "con_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "readContract" ,
"functionName" : "balanceOf" ,
"result" : {
"type" : "BigNumber" ,
"hex" : "0x00"
List events. Returns a list of events.
By default, a maximum of 10 events are shown per page.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
name string
Specifies the name of the event
deleted boolean
Specifies if display deleted events
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/events \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/events" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "eve_f0f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "event" ,
"topic" : "balance.project" ,
"threshold" : "100" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800
Create a new event. Body Parameters Specifies the name of the event
One of:
transaction_intent.broadcast transaction_intent.successful transaction_intent.cancelled transaction_intent.failed balance.project balance.contract balance.dev_account test Specifies the type of the event (transaction_intent.successful, balance.project, balance.contract, balance.dev_account)
contract string
Specifies the contract id (if the event is a contract event)
functionArgs array
Specifies the function arguments (if the event is a contract event)
functionName string
Specifies the function name (if the event is a contract event)
developerAccount string
Specifies the developer account id (if the event is a developer account event)
chainId number
Specifies the chain id (if the event is a developer account event)
threshold string
Threshold for the event (if the event is a contract, dev account or project event)
numberOfBlocks number
Specifies the number of confirmations required for the event to trigger
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/events \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'name=Event Name' \
-d 'topic=balance.project'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "eve_f0f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "event" ,
"topic" : "balance.project" ,
"threshold" : "100" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800
Get a single event. Path Parameters Specifies the unique event ID (starts with eve_).
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/events/eve_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "eve_f0f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "event" ,
"topic" : "balance.project" ,
"threshold" : "100" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800
Delete an event. Path Parameters Specifies the unique event ID (starts with eve_).
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/events/eve_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "eve_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8d5-62ba46717f3a" ,
"deleted" : true ,
"object" : "event"
Create token swap. Body Parameters The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
fromAddress REQUIRED
string The public address that will sign and submit the transaction. If you provide one of a pla_...
or acc_...
it will be converted to the corresponding address.
tokenInAddress REQUIRED
string Token address or 'native' to sell
tokenOutAddress REQUIRED
string Token address or 'native' to buy
Amount in the smallest unit of the token
The type of trade, exact input or exact output
slippagePercent number
The percentage of slippage tolerance. Default = 0.1. Max = 50. Min = 0
maxHops number
Maximum hops allowed in optimal route. Default is 2
deadline number
Latest time swap can execute. Default is 15 minutes
policy string
ID of the Policy that defines the gas sponsorship strategy (starts with pol_
). If no Policy is provided, the own Account native token funds will be used to pay for gas.
optimistic boolean
Set to true
to indicate that the transactionIntent request should be resolved as soon as possible, after the transactionIntent is created and simulated and before it arrives on chain.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/exchange \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'fromAddress=0x680d2719F09B23F644c136Ab7336D42b6a76AdcC' \
-d 'tokenInAddress=0x008518e76FAD03f592Bbb7E394C762d5FD54cb97' \
-d 'tokenOutAddress=0xF65B6f9c94187276C7d91F4F74134751d248bFeA' \
-d 'amount=100000' \
-d 'tradeType=EXACT_INPUT'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"details" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x48930Cd730652bf0B18Ef8c80cD0Fa1Cc72A233E" ,
"nonce" : "0x2" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d...0000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x27863" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x16001" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb818" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...b51c" ,
"signature" : "0x6202...3d1b"
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "accountAbstractionV6" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
Quote token swap. Body Parameters The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
fromAddress REQUIRED
string The public address that will sign and submit the transaction. If you provide one of a pla_...
or acc_...
it will be converted to the corresponding address.
tokenInAddress REQUIRED
string Token address or 'native' to sell
tokenOutAddress REQUIRED
string Token address or 'native' to buy
Amount in the smallest unit of the token
The type of trade, exact input or exact output
slippagePercent number
The percentage of slippage tolerance. Default = 0.1. Max = 50. Min = 0
maxHops number
Maximum hops allowed in optimal route. Default is 2
deadline number
Latest time swap can execute. Default is 15 minutes
policy string
ID of the Policy that defines the gas sponsorship strategy (starts with pol_
). If no Policy is provided, the own Account native token funds will be used to pay for gas.
optimistic boolean
Set to true
to indicate that the transactionIntent request should be resolved as soon as possible, after the transactionIntent is created and simulated and before it arrives on chain.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/exchange/quote \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'fromAddress=0x680d2719F09B23F644c136Ab7336D42b6a76AdcC' \
-d 'tokenInAddress=0x008518e76FAD03f592Bbb7E394C762d5FD54cb97' \
-d 'tokenOutAddress=0xF65B6f9c94187276C7d91F4F74134751d248bFeA' \
-d 'amount=100000' \
-d 'tradeType=EXACT_INPUT'
Response Example 1 {
"amount" : {
"token" : {
"address" : "0x008518e76FAD03f592Bbb7E394C762d5FD54cb97" ,
"chainId" : 4337 ,
"decimals" : 18 ,
"name" : "TOKEN" ,
"symbol" : "TKN"
"value" : "1000000000000000000"
"slippage" : 0.5 ,
"fees" : [
"recipient" : "0x008518e76FAD03f592Bbb7E394C762d5FD54cb97" ,
"basisPoints" : 100 ,
"amount" : {
"token" : {
"address" : "0x008518e76FAD03f592Bbb7E394C762d5FD54cb97" ,
"chainId" : 4337 ,
"decimals" : 18 ,
"name" : "TOKEN" ,
"symbol" : "TKN"
"value" : "1000000000000000000"
"amountWithMaxSlippage" : {
"token" : {
"address" : "0x008518e76FAD03f592Bbb7E394C762d5FD54cb97" ,
"chainId" : 4337 ,
"decimals" : 18 ,
"name" : "TOKEN" ,
"symbol" : "TKN"
"value" : "1000000000000000000"
"estimatedTXGasFee" : "1000000000000000000" ,
"estimatedTXGasFeeToken" : "12000" ,
"estimatedTXGasFeeUSD" : "1"
Create a new forwarder contract. Create a new forwarder contract.
This object represents the forwarder contract that will be used to pay the gas fees of the transactions.
Body Parameters Specifies the address of the paymaster
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
name string
Specifies the name of the paymaster
List forwarder contract. Returns a list of forwarder contract.
This object represents the forwarder contract that will be used to pay the gas fees for the transactions.
By default, a maximum of 10 forwarder contract are shown per page.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
Update a forwarder contract. Update a forwarder contract.
This object represents the forwarder contract that will be used to pay the gas fees of the transactions.
Body Parameters Specifies the address of the paymaster
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
name string
Specifies the name of the paymaster
Get forwarder contract by id. Returns the forwarder contract with the given id.
This object represents the forwarder contract that will be used to pay the gas fees for the transactions.
Delete forwarder contract by id. Delete the forwarder contract with the given id.
This object represents the forwarder contract that will be used to pay the gas fees for the transactions.
Get NFTs list of player. For development purposes only.
Under higher load scenarios, this endpoint may be rate limited.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_).
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
contract array
Filter by contract ID (starts with con_).
get /v1/players/{id}/inventory/nft
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/inventory/nft \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'chainId=80002'
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/players/pla_.../inventory/nft" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"assetType" : "ERC1155" ,
"amount" : "1" ,
"tokenId" : 1 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"lastTransferredAt" : 1689869074
Get cryptocurrency list of player. For development purposes only.
Under higher load scenarios, this endpoint may be rate limited.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_).
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
contract array
Filter by contract ID (starts with con_).
get /v1/players/{id}/inventory/cryptocurrency
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/inventory/cryptocurrency \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'chainId=80002'
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/players/pla_.../inventory/cryptocurrency" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"assetType" : "ERC20" ,
"amount" : "1000000000000000000" ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"lastTransferredAt" : 1689869074
Get native token list of player. For development purposes only.
Under higher load scenarios, this endpoint may be rate limited.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_).
get /v1/players/{id}/inventory/native
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/inventory/native \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'chainId=80002'
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "inventory" ,
"url" : "/v1/players/pla_.../inventory/native" ,
"data" : {
"assetType" : "ETH" ,
"amount" : "1000000000000000000" ,
"lastTransferredAt" : 1689869074
Retrieves the NFT assets of an existing account. For development purposes only.
Under higher load scenarios, this endpoint may be rate limited.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
contractId array
get /v1/accounts/{id}/inventory/nft
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/inventory/nft \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/accounts/acc_.../inventory/nft" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"assetType" : "ERC1155" ,
"amount" : "1" ,
"tokenId" : 1 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"lastTransferredAt" : 1689869074
Retrieves the cryptocurrency assets of an existing account. For development purposes only.
Under higher load scenarios, this endpoint may be rate limited.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
contractId array
get /v1/accounts/{id}/inventory/cryptocurrency
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/inventory/cryptocurrency \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/accounts/acc_.../inventory/cryptocurrency" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"assetType" : "ERC20" ,
"amount" : "1000000000000000000" ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"lastTransferredAt" : 1689869074
Retrieves the native asset of an existing account. For development purposes only.
Under higher load scenarios, this endpoint may be rate limited.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique account ID.
get /v1/accounts/{id}/inventory/native
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/accounts/acc_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/inventory/native \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "inventory" ,
"url" : "/v1/accounts/acc_.../inventory/native" ,
"data" : {
"assetType" : "ETH" ,
"amount" : "1000000000000000000" ,
"lastTransferredAt" : 1689869074
Create a new paymaster. Create a new paymaster.
This object represents the paymaster that will be used to pay the gas fees of the transactions.
Body Parameters Specifies the address of the paymaster
url string
Specifies the paymaster URL
context object
Specifies the context, that is, the arbitrary repositories that the specific paymaster may require
name string
Specifies the name of the paymaster
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/paymasters \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'address=0x7d526b7e99fbf52850a183...'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pay_f0f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "paymaster" ,
"address" : "0x7b9f89cf2c18540f4beef2a250d7a472b" ,
"url" : "https://rpc.mypaymaster.xyz" ,
"context" : {
"key" : "value"
"createdAt" : 1617226800
List paymasters. Returns a list of paymasters.
This object represents the paymasters that will be used to pay the gas fees for the transactions.
By default, a maximum of 10 paymasters are shown per page.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/paymasters \
Update a paymaster. Update a paymaster.
This object represents the paymaster that will be used to pay the gas fees of the transactions.
Body Parameters Specifies the address of the paymaster
url string
Specifies the paymaster URL
context object
Specifies the context, that is, the arbitrary repositories that the specific paymaster may require
name string
Specifies the name of the paymaster
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/paymasters/{id} \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'address=0x7d526b7e99fbf52850a183...'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pay_f0f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "paymaster" ,
"address" : "0x7b9f89cf2c18540f4beef2a250d7a472b" ,
"url" : "https://rpc.mypaymaster.xyz" ,
"context" : {
"key" : "value"
"createdAt" : 1617226800
Get paymaster by id. Returns the paymaster with the given id.
This object represents the paymaster that will be used to pay the gas fees for the transactions.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/paymasters/{id} \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pay_f0f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "paymaster" ,
"address" : "0x7b9f89cf2c18540f4beef2a250d7a472b" ,
"url" : "https://rpc.mypaymaster.xyz" ,
"context" : {
"key" : "value"
"createdAt" : 1617226800
Delete paymaster by id. Delete the paymaster with the given id.
This object represents the paymaster that will be used to pay the gas fees for the transactions.
delete /v1/paymasters/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/paymasters/{id} \
List players. By default, a maximum of 10 players are shown.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents that were created with each player.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
expand array
An array with:
transactionIntents accounts Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
name string
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/players" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "pla_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "player" ,
"description" : "John Smith" ,
"metadata" : {
"firstName" : "John" ,
"lastName" : "Smith"
"name" : "My Player" ,
"accounts" : [
"id" : "acc_8888888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888"
"transactionIntents" : [
Create a player object. Body Parameters name string
Specifies the player name.
description string
Specifies the player description.
metadata object
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pla_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "player" ,
"description" : "John Smith" ,
"metadata" : {
"firstName" : "John" ,
"lastName" : "Smith"
"name" : "My Player" ,
"accounts" : [
"id" : "acc_8888888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888"
"transactionIntents" : [
Retrieves the details of an existing player. Retrieves the details of a player that has previously been created.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents that were created with this player.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_).
Query Parameters expand array
An array with:
transactionIntents accounts Specifies the expandable fields.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pla_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "player" ,
"description" : "John Smith" ,
"metadata" : {
"firstName" : "John" ,
"lastName" : "Smith"
"name" : "My Player" ,
"accounts" : [
"id" : "acc_8888888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888"
"transactionIntents" : [
Updates a player object. Updates the specified player by setting the values of the parameters passed.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_).
Body Parameters name string
Specifies the player name.
description string
Specifies the player description.
metadata object
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pla_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "player" ,
"description" : "John Smith" ,
"metadata" : {
"firstName" : "John" ,
"lastName" : "Smith"
"name" : "My Player" ,
"accounts" : [
"id" : "acc_8888888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888"
"transactionIntents" : [
Deletes a player object. It will delete all linked accounts the player is authenticated with.
If the player has a linked embedded signer, it will be deleted as well.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_).
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pla_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"object" : "player" ,
"deleted" : true
Request transfer ownership of a player. This endpoint allows you to perform a request to change the owner of an account.
To perform an update on the owner of an account, first you must provide a new owner address.
Once requested, the owner must accept to take ownership by calling acceptOwnership()
in the smart contract account.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_).
Body Parameters ID of the Policy that defines the gas sponsorship strategy (starts with pol_
). A policy must be provided.
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
newOwnerAddress REQUIRED
string The address of the new owner
player string
ID of the Player that has the Account you want to transfer ownership from (starts with pla_
post /v1/players/{id}/request_transfer_ownership
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/request_transfer_ownership \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'policy=pol_7e07ae30-2a4d-48fa-803f-361da94905dd' \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'newOwnerAddress=0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"details" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x48930Cd730652bf0B18Ef8c80cD0Fa1Cc72A233E" ,
"nonce" : "0x2" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d...0000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x27863" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x16001" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb818" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...b51c" ,
"signature" : "0x6202...3d1b"
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "accountAbstractionV6" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
Cancel request to transfer ownership of a player. This endpoint allows you to cancel a pending transfer of ownership.
Body Parameters ID of the Policy that defines the gas sponsorship strategy (starts with pol_
). A policy must be provided.
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
post /v1/players/{id}/cancel_transfer_ownership
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/players/{id}/cancel_transfer_ownership \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'policy=pol_7e07ae30-2a4d-48fa-803f-361da94905dd' \
-d 'chainId=80002'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"details" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x48930Cd730652bf0B18Ef8c80cD0Fa1Cc72A233E" ,
"nonce" : "0x2" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d...0000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x27863" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x16001" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb818" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...b51c" ,
"signature" : "0x6202...3d1b"
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "accountAbstractionV6" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
List policies. Returns a list of Policies.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents for each policy.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
expand array
An array with:
transactionIntents policyRules Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
name string
Specifies the name of the policy.
deleted boolean
Specifies whether to include deleted policies.
chainId integer
The chain ID of the policy.
enabled boolean
Specifies whether to include enabled policies.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/policies" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "pol_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"name" : "TEST" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"strategy" : {
"sponsorSchema" : "pay_for_user"
"deleted" : false ,
"enabled" : true ,
"object" : "policy" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"policyRules" : [
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"functionName" : "mint"
Create a policy object.
Body Parameters Specifies the name of the policy.
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
The sponsor schema of the policy.
Open accepted values sponsorSchema string
The sponsor schema of the policy.
One of:
pay_for_user charge_custom_tokens fixed_rate tokenContract string
If the user pays in custom tokens, the contract ID (starts with con_) of the token contract.
tokenContractAmount string
If the user pays in ERC20 tokens, this reflects either the exchange rate or the amount in WEI.
depositor string
If the you want to use your own native tokens to pay for gas, specify the developer account ID (starts with dac_)
paymaster string
forwarderContract string
The ID of the forwarder contract.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'name=My Policy' \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'strategy[0][sponsorSchema]=fixed_rate' \
-d 'strategy[0][tokenContract]=con_0cddb398-1dc6-4e6f-8726-9ec7cea85f35' \
-d 'strategy[0][tokenContractAmount]=1000000000000000000' \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pol_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"name" : "TEST" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"strategy" : {
"sponsorSchema" : "pay_for_user"
"deleted" : false ,
"enabled" : true ,
"object" : "policy" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"policyRules" : [
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"functionName" : "mint"
Get a policy object. Retrieves the details of a Policy that has previously been created.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents that used this policy.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
Query Parameters expand array
An array with:
transactionIntents policyRules Specifies the fields to expand.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pol_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"name" : "TEST" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"strategy" : {
"sponsorSchema" : "pay_for_user"
"deleted" : false ,
"enabled" : true ,
"object" : "policy" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"policyRules" : [
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"functionName" : "mint"
Update a policy object.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
Body Parameters name string
Specifies the name of the policy.
chainId integer
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
strategy object
The sponsor schema of the policy.
Open accepted values sponsorSchema string
The sponsor schema of the policy.
One of:
pay_for_user charge_custom_tokens fixed_rate tokenContract string
If the user pays in custom tokens, the contract ID (starts with con_) of the token contract.
tokenContractAmount string
If the user pays in ERC20 tokens, this reflects either the exchange rate or the amount in WEI.
depositor string
If the you want to use your own native tokens to pay for gas, specify the developer account ID (starts with dac_)
paymaster string
forwarderContract string
The ID of the forwarder contract.
deleted boolean
Specifies whether to delete the policy.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pol_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"name" : "TEST" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"strategy" : {
"sponsorSchema" : "pay_for_user"
"deleted" : false ,
"enabled" : true ,
"object" : "policy" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"policyRules" : [
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"functionName" : "mint"
Delete a policy object.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pol_..." ,
"deleted" : true ,
"object" : "policy"
Disable a policy object.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
put /v1/policies/{id}/disable
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/ disable \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pol_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"name" : "TEST" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"strategy" : {
"sponsorSchema" : "pay_for_user"
"deleted" : false ,
"enabled" : true ,
"object" : "policy" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"policyRules" : [
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"functionName" : "mint"
Enable a policy object.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
put /v1/policies/{id}/enable
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/ enable \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "pol_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"name" : "TEST" ,
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"strategy" : {
"sponsorSchema" : "pay_for_user"
"deleted" : false ,
"enabled" : true ,
"object" : "policy" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"policyRules" : [
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"functionName" : "mint"
List all gas reports of a policy.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
get /v1/policies/{id}/reports
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/reports \
Response Example 1 {
"data" : [
"period" : {
"start" : 1690848000 ,
"end" : 1693526399
"averageTransactionFee" : "0.002721745" ,
"totalTransactionFee" : "0.00544349" ,
"totalTransactionFeeInUSD" : "0.00191" ,
"totalTransactionFeeInCustomTokens" : "0.00122705" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_47eed6b7-...-ce4a602c5f17" ,
"gasFee" : "0.00421644" ,
"gasPrice" : "0.34918179665034244" ,
"gasUsed" : "0.000000000000421644" ,
"gasFeeInUSD" : "0.00148"
"id" : "tin_6d3b4a95-...-f63927018815" ,
"gasFee" : "0.00122705" ,
"gasPrice" : "0.34918179665034244" ,
"gasUsed" : "0.000000000000122705" ,
"gasFeeInUSD" : "0.00043"
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"url" : "/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/reports" ,
"object" : "list"
List transaction intents of a policy report.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
Query Parameters The start date of the period in unix timestamp.
The end date of the period in unix timestamp.
get /v1/policies/{id}/reports/transaction_intents
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/reports/transaction_intents \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'to=1612137600' \
-d 'from=1612137600'
Response Example 1 {
"data" : [
"id" : "tin_47eed6b7-...-ce4a602c5f17" ,
"gasFee" : "0.00421644" ,
"gasPrice" : "0.34918179665034244" ,
"gasUsed" : "0.000000000000421644" ,
"gasFeeInUSD" : "0.00148"
"id" : "tin_6d3b4a95-...-f63927018815" ,
"gasFee" : "0.00122705" ,
"gasPrice" : "0.34918179665034244" ,
"gasUsed" : "0.000000000000122705" ,
"gasFeeInUSD" : "0.00043"
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"url" : "/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/reports" ,
"object" : "list"
Get amount of tokens paid for gas policy. Get the amount of ERC-20 tokens collected by policy.
When using a policy that includes payment of gas in ERC-20 tokens, this endpoint returns the amount of tokens paid for gas.
This is specific to a policy that doesn't use your own deposited tokens in the paymaster.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
get /v1/policies/{id}/withdraw
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/withdraw \
Response Example 1 {
"data" : [
"period" : {
"start" : 1690848000 ,
"end" : 1693526399
"averageTransactionFee" : "0.002721745" ,
"totalTransactionFee" : "0.00544349" ,
"totalTransactionFeeInUSD" : "0.00191" ,
"totalTransactionFeeInCustomTokens" : "0.00122705" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_47eed6b7-...-ce4a602c5f17" ,
"gasFee" : "0.00421644" ,
"gasPrice" : "0.34918179665034244" ,
"gasUsed" : "0.000000000000421644" ,
"gasFeeInUSD" : "0.00148"
"id" : "tin_6d3b4a95-...-f63927018815" ,
"gasFee" : "0.00122705" ,
"gasPrice" : "0.34918179665034244" ,
"gasUsed" : "0.000000000000122705" ,
"gasFeeInUSD" : "0.00043"
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"url" : "/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/reports" ,
"object" : "list"
Withdraw tokens collected by policy. Transfer ERC-20 tokens collected by policy.
When using a policy that includes payment of gas in ERC-20 tokens, this endpoint returns the amount of tokens paid for gas.
This is specific to a policy that doesn't use your own deposited tokens in the paymaster.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
Body Parameters ID of the Dev Account this TransactionIntent will send the specified amount of tokens to (starts with dac_
Amount in WEI to withdraw (i.e. factor 10^18)..
post /v1/policies/{id}/withdraw
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policies/pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/withdraw \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'account=dac_e1b24353-1741-4a3d-9e91-2b0fd2942f60' \
-d 'amount=300000'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"details" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x48930Cd730652bf0B18Ef8c80cD0Fa1Cc72A233E" ,
"nonce" : "0x2" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d...0000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x27863" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x16001" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb818" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...b51c" ,
"signature" : "0x6202...3d1b"
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "accountAbstractionV6" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
List policy rules of a policy. Returns a list of policy rules of a policy.
The policy rules are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created policy rules appearing first.
By default, a maximum of 10 policy rules are shown per page.
Query Parameters Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).
limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
expand array
Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policy_rules \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'policy=pol_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65'
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/policy_rules" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"wildcard" : false ,
"object" : "policyRule" ,
"type" : "contract_functions" ,
"contract" : {
"id" : "con_..."
"functionName" : "mint"
Create a policy rule object.
Body Parameters One of:
contract_functions account_functions rate_limit The unique Policy ID to add the rule to (starts with pol_).
functionName string
Name of the function in the contract to allow. If you want to allow all functions, use the wildcard 'All functions'.
contract string
The contract ID you want to interact with. Must have been added to Openfort first, starts with con_
wildcard boolean
When using contract_functions
type, set this to true
to allow all contracts.
gasLimit string
Gas limit in WEI (i.e. factor 10^18).
countLimit integer
Number of times the function will be sponsored.
timeIntervalType string
Time interval between sponsorships.
timeIntervalValue integer
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policy_rules \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'type=account_functions' \
-d 'policy=pol_7e07ae30-2a4d-48fa-803f-361da94905dd'
Response Limit contract sponsorship {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"wildcard" : false ,
"object" : "policyRule" ,
"type" : "contract_functions" ,
"contract" : {
"id" : "con_..."
"functionName" : "mint"
Response Limit number of sponsored txns
Response Limit gas sponsored in interval
Response Limit gas spent per txn
Response Allow self account sponsorship
Update a policy rule object.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy rule ID (starts with afu_).
Body Parameters One of:
contract_functions account_functions rate_limit functionName string
Name of the function in the contract to allow. If you want to allow all functions, use the wildcard 'All functions'.
contract string
The contract ID you want to interact with. Must have been added to Openfort first, starts with con_
wildcard boolean
When using contract_functions
type, set this to true
to allow all contracts.
gasLimit string
Gas limit in WEI (i.e. factor 10^18).
countLimit integer
Number of times the function will be sponsored.
timeIntervalType string
Time interval between sponsorships.
timeIntervalValue integer
post /v1/policy_rules/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policy_rules/afu_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'type=account_functions'
Response Example 1 {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"object" : "policyRule" ,
"type" : "rate_limit" ,
"functionName" : "count_per_interval" ,
"countLimit" : 100 ,
"timeIntervalType" : "day" ,
"timeIntervalValue" : 1
Deletes a policy rule object.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique policy rule ID (starts with afu_).
delete /v1/policy_rules/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/policy_rules/afu_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "afu_..." ,
"object" : "policyRule" ,
"deleted" : true
List session keys of a player. Returns a list of Sessions.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents for each session.
Query Parameters The player ID (starts with pla_)
limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
expand array
Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/sessions \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'player=pla_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65'
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/sessions" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "ses_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"isActive" : true ,
"validAfter" : "1650000000" ,
"validUntil" : "1700000000" ,
"whitelist" : [],
"limit" : 100 ,
"nextAction" : {
"type" : "sign_with_wallet" ,
"payload" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x814A...FB72" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d27f6000000000000000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x2e84d" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x1bcef" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...391b" ,
"signature" : "" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb80c"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"object" : "session"
Create a session key. curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/sessions \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'address=0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678' \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'validAfter=10' \
-d 'validUntil=123512123'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "ses_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"isActive" : true ,
"validAfter" : "1650000000" ,
"validUntil" : "1700000000" ,
"whitelist" : [],
"limit" : 100 ,
"nextAction" : {
"type" : "sign_with_wallet" ,
"payload" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x814A...FB72" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d27f6000000000000000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x2e84d" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x1bcef" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...391b" ,
"signature" : "" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb80c"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"object" : "session"
Revoke the session session key.
Body Parameters The address of the session key to revoke.
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
The player ID (starts with pla_).
policy string
ID of the Policy that defines the gas sponsorship strategy (starts with pol_
). If no Policy is provided, the own Account native token funds will be used to pay for gas.
optimistic boolean
Whether the transactionIntent is optimistic (resolve before it arrives on chain) or not.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/sessions/revoke \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'address=0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678' \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'player=pla_e0b84653-1741-4a3d-9e91-2b0fd2942f60'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "ses_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"isActive" : true ,
"validAfter" : "1650000000" ,
"validUntil" : "1700000000" ,
"whitelist" : [],
"limit" : 100 ,
"nextAction" : {
"type" : "sign_with_wallet" ,
"payload" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x814A...FB72" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d27f6000000000000000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x2e84d" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x1bcef" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...391b" ,
"signature" : "" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb80c"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"object" : "session"
Send signed userOperationHash to create session.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique session ID (starts with ses_).
Body Parameters signed userOperationHash by the owner or valid session key
optimistic boolean
Set to true
to indicate that the transactionIntent request should be resolved as soon as possible, after the transactionIntent is created and simulated and before it arrives on chain.
post /v1/sessions/{id}/signature
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/sessions/ses_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/signature \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'signature=0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "ses_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"isActive" : true ,
"validAfter" : "1650000000" ,
"validUntil" : "1700000000" ,
"whitelist" : [],
"limit" : 100 ,
"nextAction" : {
"type" : "sign_with_wallet" ,
"payload" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x814A...FB72" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d27f6000000000000000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x2e84d" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x1bcef" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...391b" ,
"signature" : "" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb80c"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"object" : "session"
Returns a player session by session id Retrieves the details of a Session that has previously been created.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents that used this session.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique session ID (starts with ses_).
Query Parameters expand array
Specifies the fields to expand.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/sessions/ses_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "ses_..." ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"address" : "0x8C5cedA46A26214A52A9D7BF036Ad2F6255BdBEa" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"isActive" : true ,
"validAfter" : "1650000000" ,
"validUntil" : "1700000000" ,
"whitelist" : [],
"limit" : 100 ,
"nextAction" : {
"type" : "sign_with_wallet" ,
"payload" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x814A...FB72" ,
"nonce" : "0x0" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d27f6000000000000000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x2e84d" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x1bcef" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...391b" ,
"signature" : "" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb80c"
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_..."
"object" : "session"
List of developer accounts. Retrieve the list of the developer accounts for the current project.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents that were created with each developer account.
By default, a maximum of 10 accounts are shown per page.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
expand array
Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
deleted boolean
Specifies whether to include deleted dev accounts.
get /v1/settings/developer_accounts
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/settings/developer_accounts \
Response Example 1 {
"url" : "/v1/settings/developer_accounts" ,
"object" : "list" ,
"data" : [
"id" : "dac_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"address" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ,
"name" : "Escrow Account" ,
"custodial" : true ,
"createdAt" : 1609459200 ,
"object" : "developerAccount" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
"id" : "dac_88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888" ,
"address" : "0x8888888888888888888888888888888888888888" ,
"name" : "Escrow Account 2" ,
"custodial" : true ,
"createdAt" : 1609459200 ,
"object" : "developerAccount"
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 2 ,
"total" : 2
Create a developer account. Create or add a developer account. Developer accounts can be used as for escrow, minting and transferring assets.
To add your own external account, add a signature and the address of the account. This verified account can then be used as a verified depositor
Body Parameters address string
The address of the wallet that has deposited funds in the paymaster.
signature string
Signature to verify the account ownership.
name string
post /v1/settings/developer_accounts
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/settings/developer_accounts \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "dac_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"address" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ,
"name" : "Escrow Account" ,
"custodial" : true ,
"createdAt" : 1609459200 ,
"object" : "developerAccount" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
Update a developer account. Update a developer account.
post /v1/settings/developer_accounts/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/settings/developer_accounts/{id} \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "dac_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"address" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ,
"name" : "Escrow Account" ,
"custodial" : true ,
"createdAt" : 1609459200 ,
"object" : "developerAccount" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
Get existing developer account. Retrieve a developer account.
Returns the latest 10 transaction intents that were created with each developer account.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique developer account ID (starts with dac_).
get /v1/settings/developer_accounts/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/settings/developer_accounts/dac_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "dac_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"address" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ,
"name" : "Escrow Account" ,
"custodial" : true ,
"createdAt" : 1609459200 ,
"object" : "developerAccount" ,
"transactionIntents" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a"
Delete a developer account. Delete a developer account from the current project.
Path Parameters Specifies a unique developer account (starts with dac_).
delete /v1/settings/developer_accounts/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/settings/developer_accounts/dac_0cddb398-1dc6-4e6f-8726-9ec7cea85f35 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "dac_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"object" : "developerAccount" ,
"deleted" : true
Generate message to sign Generate message, which should be signed by the account your want to add as a developer account.
get /v1/settings/developer_accounts/message_to_sign
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/settings/developer_accounts/message_to_sign \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'address=0x662D24Bf7Ea2dD6a7D0935F680a6056b94fE934d'
Response Example 1 {
"message" : "I want to register 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to the project 33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333 for mainnets on 20231231" ,
"address" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
List subscriptions of project. Returns a list of subscriptions for the given project.
This object represents the subscriptions where the project owner has subscribed to.
Subscriptions are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created subscriptions appearing first.
By default, a maximum of 10 subscriptions are shown per page.
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/subscriptions" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "subscription" ,
"topic" : "transaction_intent.broadcast" ,
"triggers" : [
"id" : "tri_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "trigger" ,
"target" : "https://webhook.site/7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"type" : "webhook" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"subscription" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
Create subscription for project. Creates a subscription for the given project.
This object represents the subscription where the project owner has subscribed to.
Body Parameters One of:
transaction_intent.broadcast transaction_intent.successful transaction_intent.cancelled transaction_intent.failed balance.project balance.contract balance.dev_account test Specifies the topic of the subscription
Specifies the triggers of the subscription
Open accepted values target string
Specifies the target of the trigger
type string
Specifies the type of the trigger
subscription string
Specifies the subscription ID
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'topic=transaction.broadcast' \
-d 'triggers[0][target]=https://example.com' \
-d 'triggers[0][type]=webhook' \
-d 'triggers[0][subscription]=sub_6f6c9067-89fa-4fc8-ac72-c242a268c584'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "subscription" ,
"topic" : "transaction_intent.broadcast" ,
"triggers" : [
"id" : "tri_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "trigger" ,
"target" : "https://webhook.site/7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"type" : "webhook" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"subscription" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
List logs of triggered subscriptions. Lists logs of the triggered subscriptions for the given project.
This object represents the logs of the triggered subscriptions where the project owner has subscribed to.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
topic string
One of:
transaction_intent.broadcast transaction_intent.successful transaction_intent.cancelled transaction_intent.failed balance.project balance.contract balance.dev_account test Specifies the topic of the subscription logs
status string
Specifies the status of the subscription logs
object string
Specifies the object ID of the object related to triggered notification
subscription string
Specifies the subscription ID
trigger string
requestID string
get /v1/subscriptions/logs
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions/logs \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/subscriptions/logs" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "eve_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "log" ,
"topic" : "transaction_intent.broadcast" ,
"status" : "success" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"subscription" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"trigger" : "tri_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"requestID" : "c1852a250d7a472b"
Get subscription of project. Returns a subscription for the given project.
This object represents the subscription where the project owner has subscribed to.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique subscription ID (starts with sub_).
get /v1/subscriptions/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions/sub_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "subscription" ,
"topic" : "transaction_intent.broadcast" ,
"triggers" : [
"id" : "tri_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "trigger" ,
"target" : "https://webhook.site/7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"type" : "webhook" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"subscription" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
Delete subscription of project. Deletes a subscription for the given project.
This object represents the subscription where the project owner has subscribed to.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique subscription ID (starts with sub_).
delete /v1/subscriptions/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions/sub_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b \
Response Example 1 {
"deleted" : true ,
"id" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "subscription"
List triggers of subscription. Returns a list of triggers for the given subscription.
This object represents the triggers where the subscription owner has subscribed to.
Triggers are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created triggers appearing first.
By default, a maximum of 10 triggers are shown per page.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique subscription ID (starts with sub_).
get /v1/subscriptions/{id}/triggers
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions/sub_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/triggers \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "v1/triggers" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "tri_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "trigger" ,
"target" : "https://webhook.site/7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"type" : "webhook" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"subscription" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
Create trigger for subscription. Creates a trigger for the given subscription.
This object represents the trigger where the subscription owner has subscribed to.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique subscription ID (starts with sub_).
Body Parameters Specifies the target of the trigger
Specifies the type of the trigger
subscription string
Specifies the subscription ID
post /v1/subscriptions/{id}/triggers
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions/sub_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/triggers \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'target=https://example.com' \
-d 'type=webhook'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tri_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "trigger" ,
"target" : "https://webhook.site/7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"type" : "webhook" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"subscription" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
Get trigger by id. Returns a trigger for the given id.
This object represents the trigger where the subscription owner has subscribed to.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique subscription ID (starts with sub_).
Specifies the unique subscription ID (starts with sub_).
get /v1/subscriptions/{id}/triggers/{triggerId}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions/sub_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/triggers/tri_6194ad12-a213-1e5c-b003-8040fa3c9c48 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tri_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "trigger" ,
"target" : "https://webhook.site/7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"type" : "webhook" ,
"createdAt" : 1617226800 ,
"subscription" : "sub_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"updatedAt" : 1617226800
Delete trigger of subscription. Deletes a trigger for the given subscription.
This object represents the trigger where the subscription owner has subscribed to.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique subscription ID (starts with sub_).
Specifies the unique subscription ID (starts with sub_).
delete /v1/subscriptions/{id}/triggers/{triggerId}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions/sub_4194ad24-c818-4e5c-b003-9cc2aa7df53b/triggers/tri_6194ad12-a213-1e5c-b003-8040fa3c9c48 \
Response Example 1 {
"deleted" : true ,
"id" : "tri_7b9f89cf2-c185-40f4-beef-2a250d7a472b" ,
"object" : "trigger"
Test trigger by id. Test a trigger
Returns a trigger for the given id.
post /v1/subscriptions/test
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/subscriptions/ test \
List transaction intents. Returns a list of TransactionIntents.
Query Parameters limit integer
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
skip integer
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
order string
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
expand array
Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
chainId integer
The chain ID. Must be a supported chain .
account array
Filter by account ID or developer account (starts with acc_ or dac_ respectively).
player array
Filter by player ID (starts with pla_).
status number
Filter by successful (1) or failed (0) transaction intents.
policy array
Filter by policy ID (starts with pol_).
get /v1/transaction_intents
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/transaction_intents \
Response Example 1 {
"object" : "list" ,
"url" : "/v1/transaction_intents" ,
"start" : 0 ,
"end" : 1 ,
"total" : 1 ,
"data" : [
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"details" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x48930Cd730652bf0B18Ef8c80cD0Fa1Cc72A233E" ,
"nonce" : "0x2" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d...0000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x27863" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x16001" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb818" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...b51c" ,
"signature" : "0x6202...3d1b"
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "accountAbstractionV6" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
Create a transaction intent object. Creates a TransactionIntent.
A pending TransactionIntent has the response
attribute as undefined.
After the TransactionIntent is created and broadcasted to the blockchain, response
will be populated with the transaction hash and a status (1 success, 0 fail).
When using a non-custodial account, a nextAction
attribute is returned with the userOperationHash
that must be signed by the owner of the account.
post /v1/transaction_intents
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/transaction_intents \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'interactions[0][contract]=con_0cddb398-1dc6-4e6f-8726-9ec7cea85f35' \
-d 'interactions[0][functionName]=mint' \
-d 'interactions[0][functionArgs][0]=0x662D24Bf7Ea2dD6a7D0935F680a6056b94fE934d'
Response Transaction for custodial account {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"details" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x48930Cd730652bf0B18Ef8c80cD0Fa1Cc72A233E" ,
"nonce" : "0x2" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d...0000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x27863" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x16001" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb818" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...b51c" ,
"signature" : "0x6202...3d1b"
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "accountAbstractionV6" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
Response Transaction for non-custodial account
Response Optimistic Transaction for custodial account
Get a transaction intent object. Retrieves the details of a TransactionIntent that has previously been created.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique transaction intent ID (starts with tin_).
Query Parameters expand array
Specifies the expandable fields.
get /v1/transaction_intents/{id}
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/transaction_intents/tin_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65 \
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"details" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x48930Cd730652bf0B18Ef8c80cD0Fa1Cc72A233E" ,
"nonce" : "0x2" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d...0000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x27863" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x16001" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb818" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...b51c" ,
"signature" : "0x6202...3d1b"
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "accountAbstractionV6" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [
Estimate gas cost of creating a transaction Estimate the gas cost of broadcasting a TransactionIntent.
This is a simulation, it does not send the transaction on-chain.
If a Policy ID is used that includes payment of gas in ERC-20 tokens, an extra field estimatedTXGasFeeToken
is returned with the estimated amount of tokens that will be used.
post /v1/transaction_intents/estimate_gas_cost
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/transaction_intents/estimate_gas_cost \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'chainId=80002' \
-d 'interactions[0][contract]=con_0cddb398-1dc6-4e6f-8726-9ec7cea85f35' \
-d 'interactions[0][functionName]=mint' \
-d 'interactions[0][functionArgs][0]=0x662D24Bf7Ea2dD6a7D0935F680a6056b94fE934d'
Response Gas estimation {
"estimatedTXGas" : "444793" ,
"estimatedTXGasFee" : "1162163748854053" ,
"estimatedTXGasFeeUSD" : "0.01" ,
"gasPrice" : "2612819331"
Response Gas estimation with token policy
Send a signed transaction signableHash. Broadcasts a signed TransactionIntent to the blockchain.
Use this endpoint to send the signed signableHash
. Openfort will then put it on-chain.
Path Parameters Specifies the unique transaction intent ID (starts with tin_).
Body Parameters signed userOperationHash by the owner or valid session key
optimistic boolean
Set to true
to indicate that the transactionIntent request should be resolved as soon as possible, after the transactionIntent is created and simulated and before it arrives on chain.
post /v1/transaction_intents/{id}/signature
curl https://api.openfort.xyz/v1/transaction_intents/tin_48eeba57-2cd5-4159-a2cb-057a23a35e65/signature \
-u " $YOUR_SECRET_KEY :" \
-d 'signature=0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef'
Response Example 1 {
"id" : "tin_c502d628-5bb3-42f2-b8f5-62ba4d71df3a" ,
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"object" : "transactionIntent" ,
"details" : {
"userOperationHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"userOperation" : {
"sender" : "0x48930Cd730652bf0B18Ef8c80cD0Fa1Cc72A233E" ,
"nonce" : "0x2" ,
"initCode" : "0x" ,
"callData" : "0xb61d...0000" ,
"callGasLimit" : "0x27863" ,
"verificationGasLimit" : "0x16001" ,
"preVerificationGas" : "0xb818" ,
"maxFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x62590091" ,
"paymasterAndData" : "0x3210...b51c" ,
"signature" : "0x6202...3d1b"
"chainId" : 80002 ,
"abstractionType" : "accountAbstractionV6" ,
"updatedAt" : 1689869074 ,
"policy" : {
"id" : "pol_..."
"player" : {
"id" : "pla_..."
"account" : {
"id" : "acc_..."
"response" : {
"createdAt" : 1689869074 ,
"logs" : [
"removed" : false ,
"transactionIndex" : 0 ,
"blockNumber" : 44904492 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"address" : "0x5FF1...2789" ,
"topics" : [
"data" : "0x" ,
"logIndex" : 0 ,
"blockHash" : "0x8a69...6d59"
"blockNumber" : 8789286 ,
"transactionHash" : "0x25d3...005c" ,
"to" : "0x0576...1B57" ,
"gasUsed" : "336730" ,
"status" : 1
"interactions" : [
"functionName" : "mint" ,
"contract" : "con_..." ,
"functionArgs" : [