Seamless login with Telegram mini-app
Integrate wallet in your Telegram mini-app
You can integrate Openfort to enable login directly from within a Telegram bot or Telegram mini-app.
Follow this guide to create a telegram bot. After creating a Telegram bot, you must set your domain using the /setdomain
command in the @BotFather
chat. You will need to provide the following to Openfort via the Openfort Dashboard upon completion:
- Bot token

The telegramMiniApp
, uses the signed initDataRaw
from the telegramSDK
available in the mini app as third party authentication. It does not have any kind of refresh token since Telegram is in charge of issuing new authentications. This method can be used directly from the mini app without requiring interaction with the user as he is already authenticated with the mini app.
Since you need to set your bot's allowed domain you'll need to use a tunneling tool for local development such as ngrok.